Thoughts on going home again: are our resist-trumpism efforts an effort to restore a flawed past?

Soon after a recent, protracted political discussion that included a number of references to “going back to” some pre-election Eden, the following thoughts came to me—probably voiced elsewhere, but nothing…

Continue ReadingThoughts on going home again: are our resist-trumpism efforts an effort to restore a flawed past?

Follow-up to recent venting about finger-pointing at progressives as responsible for disappointing down-ballot Democrat results.

I’m seeing more behavior like this. And it typically calls for watering down progressive demands—as if the watered-down versions are perfectly fine. Typically, though, they're made by people who aren’t…

Continue ReadingFollow-up to recent venting about finger-pointing at progressives as responsible for disappointing down-ballot Democrat results.

More on my never-ending Quixotic quest to warn that all communication is manipulative, so that we need to be on alert when we hear and read (or ourselves speak and write).

Think about the mainstream press that we are encouraged to believe is reasonable. Its writers and its editorial policies have their own, often subtle, manipulative strategies (much of which we…

Continue ReadingMore on my never-ending Quixotic quest to warn that all communication is manipulative, so that we need to be on alert when we hear and read (or ourselves speak and write).