Right-wing tail wagging the American dog

My extended comments follow this PDF copy of a long e-mail I received today from the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication (https://climatecommunication.yale.edu/…/american-public-re…/). As you'll see, they're devoting some time…

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What can we trust that we read about failures of the CDC and the World Health Organization?

This commentary is in relation to a troubling web posting of: https://medium.com/@CynicalXennial/unmasking-the-truth-cdc-and-hospital-administrators-are-endangering-us-all-b601012f81be. Like many others, I have sometimes been hornswoggled by outraged claims on the web or in e-mails. Of…

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(Long) “The Atlantic” recap with lots of added information about where we stand with COVID-19

This is (for me) a highly informative article from March 25, 2020, the content of which seems based on solid, very recent information: https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2020/03/how-will-coronavirus-end/608719/ I have noticed that occasionally, smart…

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Class discrimination during a national and international crisis? Say it isn’t so!

Context of this post (April 3, 2020): https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/04/03/us/coronavirus-stay-home-rich-poor.html?action=click&module=Top+Stories&pgtype=Homepage&fbclid=IwAR1KXL2jvw0fCIAZSRc9PP41Z0y_Y0ErH-N4w4bQm9Kww3CSHGIzErqjhPA Why am I not surprised at the overall disparities illustrated in this NY Times article? (I’m assuming that on the whole, it’s…

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Modest excurses, religious and biological, on the advent of COVID-19

1. Metaphysical explanations As far back and as widely distributed around the globe as we have found written records, divine wrath has been just around the community corner for peoples…

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